God bless you all saints of the Most High. this is supposed to be part 2 of my commentary on the question in Genesis 4:9; but this is not a commentary. Call it common sense or call it revelation from the Lord, either way it has been revealed to me that there is no need for the second installment of this commentary. This blog is designed for the people of God that both live and worship in spirit and truth. If we don't know as mature men and women of God that we are our brothers' and sisters' keeper, we are definitely missing the basic principles of Gods word. My brother in Christ Dominique Williams even went as far as stating that we have been charged by Jesus himself to Love your enemies (Matt 5:43-44). At this point what else needs to be said. so instead of going in depth on this issue; I will just leave you with some scriptures that confirm that the answer is YES! I am my brother and sisters' keeper: ( Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, John 15:13, Matt 22:37, 1 John 4:20-21). The list goes on saints of God. The entire Holy Bible is about loving God and loving your fellow humankind as well as treating animals with kindness and being good stewards of everything God has placed us over.
I'm currently conducting a study on why as believers, we look to other things for comfort..(sexual sin, mood altering substances, worldly music, co-dependency, food, etc).. rather than looking to the only true comforter: the Holy Spirit. It's very interesting that the very chemicals that our brain and body produce by performing specific actions, give us a false sense of comfort and contentment. The truth is: there are unresolved issues from our past or in our heart and mind that cause our fear, anxieties, and feelings of rejection and anger, that in conclusion cause us to be in a state of uncomfortable discontentment. I'm calling the commentary: "Deeper than the surface"; and yes saints, it gets deep. I will also be having some guest bloggers' sharing commentaries on their own personal revelation from the Lord. Until next time saints, God bless you and seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:33)