Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It is time to cut the chains of religious bondage and the tradition of men!!! part 2 (the church corporation)

Praise God saints of the Most High (Dan 7:18). I come to you all in humbleness of heart with a spirit of diligent urgency. Previously I wrote to you all about tearing down non-biblical traditions starting with what we speak concerning the written word of God. Today we are going to discuss the spiritual church being turned into a business. Don't worry, this wont take long. I'll give you facts (documented evidence) and truth (scripture). What else is there to discuss?...

I'll get straight to the point. The belief that to be an official "church", you have to become a 501c3 (non-profit organization) church corporation is not biblical and has been a trick of the enemy for years now. First, the church (assembly of believers) is spiritual (Mark 9:1; John 18:36). Our works are manifested in the natural realm but the kingdom of God/the church/body of Christ is a spiritual entity not a business. (John 2:16) Jesus says: make not my Fathers house a house of merchandise. How many "churches" do you know that are buying and selling in their buildings?; probably a lot. Jesus clearly and strictly forbids this type of behavior: It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves (Matt 21:13). Simply, when you sign the contract to become a 501c3 church corporation; you are no longer a (already tax-free) spiritual entity but have become a corporation of the state (material corporate business). Christ and His apostles clearly showed us that the world government has nothing to do with the business of Gods church and certainly has no authority governing church business. We have been commanded to obey "the law of the land"; but always secondary to the commandments of God (Acts 5:29). What it all comes down to is this: church leaders being more concerned about finances as apposed to being concerned with souls being saved firstly. They want tax-exempt status so they can build bigger buildings, businesses and receive tax-free donations as well as other financial benefits from the government. They also want their congregations to be able to write off their tithes and offerings on their income taxes. Call me crazy, but I believe that when we give to the church (ministry of Christ) or help the needy, we should take a loss (Acts 4:32-35). When we sow a seed; God gives us back the increase; Not the government! why are we looking to reap our harvest from the IRS? There is no faith being excercised in this process. Saints, those that are involved in these practices are in danger of judgement. Please be careful. Please rethink the way that you handle Gods business and come back to the word.

Here are the facts about 501c3 church corporations courtesy of Barbara Ketay at Biblical law center:
- the creator of the church is the state
- the state is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church
- the church is subject to the laws of the state
- the church is an artificial person and has no constitutionally protected rights
- the church submits to state charter
- the church is created for the benefit of the public
- the church is a state franchise

Saints, I am not anti-government, but we have to be wise; by becoming a corporation we take the church solely out of Gods hands and place it under the authority of the government. I'm also not against purchasing buildings or property if you have been instructed by God to do so; but there is nothing biblical that says you have to be in a commercial building (especially one that you can't afford!) this is all tradition... moving on.. There is no law that restricts what a preacher can say in a church unless you signed this contract. They might not be strictly enforcing these laws everywhere right now, but think about it; when the "powers that be" decide to try to take control of the church; who do you think they will target first?; and we should all know by now: if they cant control you; they will try to shut you down. Don't forget: we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). There are evil spirits influencing government leaders all over the world and there is only a matter of time before God releases them to do what they have been reserved to do in accordance with Gods perfect plan (see the book of Revelation). Remember the body of Christ will be saved but the wicked and the luke warm will burn in the lake of fire. In all thy getting, get understanding (Prov 4:7). Keep the church spiritual; stay off the demonic radar. Stay under Gods authority. We should be about our Fathers business (Luke 2:49), but remember the church is not a business, It's a spiritual family: the household of God (Eph 2:19).

For more info go to: or

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It is time to cut the chains of religious bondage and the tradition of men!!! part 1

Peace, understanding and grace be unto you "true saints of the most high God". I pray that you receive this message in all urgency of mind and heart. I beseech everyone that reads these commentaries to check me by the scriptures; for the word states: let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written(Rom 3:4). Generally speaking, tradition is not a bad thing. there are certain traditions that come naturally by the customs and culture of the time and places that we live in (for Christians all within the boundaries of the laws of God): the hairstyles we wear; the clothes that we buy; the languages and slang terms that we speak; even the kinds of food that we eat; but when it comes to spiritual things, we are instructed by the bible (John 8:31) to strictly follow the foundational guidelines laid by the apostles of Jesus Christ (1Tit 4:16, 2 Tit 3:14).

We are living in treacherous times; where nothing is as it appears to be and deception is not only of the enemy, but has been exalted through ignorance and the laziness of the modern day mindset. In fact! the modern day church has fallen into the same trap that the Pharisees and other religious leaders of Jesus time had fallen into. Christ himself warned His disciples: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Saddusees (Matt 16:12); and He further explained: not of the leaven bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Saddusees (Matt 16:12). Saints, I'm telling you to check every word you hear spoken about the "word of God" : on TV, radio, in the pulpit, even in the music that you listen to. If you think about it; we believe most things because that's what we were taught early in our Christian walk or because that's what we've heard all our life; this shouldn't be so. Our mindset should soley be shaped by revelation of the holy scriptures through the Holy Spirit. There are too many old wives tales and false christian slogans being thrown around today; and they are traditional, not biblical! example: "when praises go up, blessings come down". This is not scripture! the bible teaches us in (Prov 28:20) that: a faithful man shall abound in blessings. Faithfulness is our consistent obedience to God. So we are blessed through obedience. We praise God because He is worthy to be praised (Rev 4:11). Another example: "God don't dwell in an unclean temple". This sounds sounds good; But it is not biblical! The bible teaches us not to defile our body (which is the temple of the Holy Ghost) by continuously practicing sin (1 Cor 3:16); which will ultimately land us in hell (without the Holy Ghost)(1 Cor 3:17); but nowhere does it state that when you fall into sin or a backslidden state, that He withdraws the Holy Spirit from you. He is married to the backslider (Jer 3:14). In fact, the Holy Spirit might be the only one that can bring you back to repentance.

These things might sound trivial to you; but don't forget: A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (Gal 5:9, 1 Cor 5:6) meaning: all it takes is one wrong idea about the "word", to ruin your entire walk with God. Jesus is calling us to think radically, as He did against the religious systems set in place by men with their own false ideas of doctrine. Wake up saints! We are to check everyones words by the "word". We are to live and die by "sound doctrine": (the undefiled written word of God in its entirety and proper context). Do not be deceived by vain words and attractive slogans. Paul said: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men (Col 2:8). It's time to pick up the bible and: study to show thyself approved; rightly dividing the word of truth (1 Tim 2:15). Wake up saints! ; we have been given the power of choice whereby we hold our own destiny in our hands. Take control of your spiritual life. Lets tear down the prison walls of religion and break the chains of tradition. There are people hurting and dying; and they need us... they need the truth. be concluded in part 2