Thursday, April 19, 2012

Am I my brother/sisters keeper?(part 1)

In the book of Genesis; Cain, the first son of Adam poses a most important question: Am I my brothers keeper? (Gen 4:9) This very question causes us to look in the mirror and reflect on our own ways and actions toward our fellow Christians. this question came to the Lord after we read about the first murder recorded in the Holy Bible. (Gen 4:8) The murder was a act of wrath and jealousy after God accepted a more acceptable sacrifice from Cains younger brother Able. The Lord then asks a seemingly depressed Cain a question that He already knew the answer to: Where is Able thy brother? (Gen 4:9) A question much like the one God asked Adam in the Garden of Eden: Where art thou? (Gen 3:9) Cain answers with a lie and then replies: Am I my brothers keeper? God doesn't answer the question in this particular text. So what is the answer? ...    (to be continued in part 2)


  1. Amen. This is truly a question that believers need to ask themselves, am I my brothers keeper. Although we know God is the ultimate keeper the word declares we are to bear one anothers burdens. There has to a genuine care/concern not only for the unsaved but the fellow brothers and sisters Especially in these last and evil days. Remember there is strength in unity. choose to be an effective believer. Be blessed J Lee

  2. The answer to the question personally is yes I/We are my brothers/sisters keeper the ultimate keeper is the Holy Ghost/Spirit but we have a responsibility to one another.The word says we are to bear one anothers burdens the strong bears the burden of the weak and if anything you do offends anyone you ought not to do it.We are a keeper of one another in prayer ,fellowship ,encouragement and among other things.In the beginning God told man that it was not good for him to be alone he needed a help meet someone for him to be accountable to and someone to hold him accountable .Cain was irresponsible therefore he reaped what he sowed.

  3. dominique williamsMay 29, 2012 at 9:16 PM

    I agree we are our brothers keeper in the whole body of christ we must not limit our love to our individual ministries because we are called to love GOD, our neighbors and even our the book of genesis Joseph was an example of the love and forgiveness we should have upon our lives

    1. Amen brother. very good point about the story of Joseph and loving our enemies.
